The summery: any society for stable Development must have three parameters, (abilities).
The first one is how people take risks in undertaking new activities.
The other one is related to the whole society having a technical view in making decision and programming, and the last item is related to whole society and that is how much people accept the individual creativities.
On the whole, this procedure is called Topology of Development. Topology, in short, is a mathematical relation (not logical) between left and right (logic has paradox & judgment), though it is a part of the same mechanism, topology analyzes the unreal events and conditions.
Also the important point is that how people analyze and judge the activities. It is usually done by vertical analyses (negative or positive), whereas in topology we can turn this category into horizontal form; when we see a positive point we won't regard the rest as negative.
For instance, two common behaviors can be usually seen in the less developed countries; one is repeatedly pointing out the shortcomings in the people and acceptance of the existing conditions, which only justifies the lack of having activity in life and the other one is showing exciting reaction, which is not a two phase algorithm, but it is the result of a series of factors, such as mediocre thinking, prejudice, not thinking about future, being a profit maker for a short time and ...
Therefore, if such reactions are prevalent in a society, it can be said that we won't have a stable development. Maybe some traces of development be seen in some parts, but it can't be stable.
At the end, it could be said that these three parameters are as three sides of a triangle. Together, they can make the smallest surface unit and along with other abilities and collective or individual beliefs can be able to move incessantly in such a way that it won't get confused or decline. Because, the first parameter invokes movement and change and the next one, makes this movement fundamental and the last one paves the way for the development of forbearance of the mind in society, which is the basic need for sustainability and guarantees the possibility of occurrence of change in all directions, because the cancerous form of growth in capabilities threatens the sustainability
۱۳۸۷ بهمن ۳, پنجشنبه
Topology of Sustainable Developments
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