Since infectious diseases; have occurred in different periods of time, in article, has tried to monitor relation between lifestyle and pandemics
Generally, these pandemics can be divided into two categories; Before 18th century and the other, so far now.
Important point in human lifestyle occurred after the Industrial Revolution, which naturally have effected to the Agricultural products; somehow from the beginning and meanwhile of the Industrial Revolution, food resources; for most of world population, whom lived in villages around the world and had no written history, came from meat and hunting, and agricultural products were mostly local and partial, due to this sugar and carbohydrate, do not have a special place in the daily diet, and most of the time people remain hungry.
But after this wave, by the industrial revolution that related to expansion of production capacity, transportation; and the incensement living population in cities, which has resulted from a better health science.
People attracted to cultivation; because of industrial revolution equipment instead of ranching, lifestyle diet has been shifted from fat and protein to carbohydrates and sugar.
Before this process, Pandemics had bacterial agents such as cholera and plague, and after that, viral Nano organisms caused these epidemics, such as smallpox and the flu have plagued humans.
It can be claimed that it was human who provided a suitable substrate for these Nano organisms in their bodies, not that nano organism attacked humans.
Worth mentioning, until 200 years ago, more than 97% of the world population did not go beyond 32 km from their place of birth, and after the Industrial Revolution and the Tourism industry, become one of the key factors in the spread of these pandemics.
In historical perspective, until 700 years ago, human beings did not have a suitable place to store their agricultural products, and were living daily, such as 3,000 years ago, only emperor diet less than normal recent people.
And the rest lived in food poverty